
Theories of Stonehenge

Who built Stonehenge?

Stonehenge was possibly built by priests called Druids because they have developed some of their culture around the site. They performed rituals at here and modern Druids still have a connection to this site. It is unknown whether Druids actually built it or whether they just found the site after the real builders had died.

Stonehenge may have been built by civilizations from Wales and Wiltshire as Stonehenge was built in Wiltshire and some of the stones came from Wales. Bodies of those from Wales has been found a the site, further supporting this theory.

It was believed that Merlin, a wizard, was ordered by the king to erect the stones around a burial site to honor those who died. This theory came about as at the time Merlin was commonly believed to exist.This theory has become less popular over the years.

Aliens was a theory developed around the fact that they couldn't find a reason for humans to have built it so they thought that what if it wasn't built by humans. It may have been some sort of alien crop circle or maybe some sort of alien technology that we couldn't understand.

Why was Stonehenge built?

Stonehenge was believed to have been built as a healing site. This is supported by the bodies found at the site. Some of these bodies have been found to have had diseases kill them. This suggests that they came to Stonehenge to get healed but they failed to get healed so they passed away and were buried at the site.

Stonehenge could have been used as a calendar/clock as the stones line up with the solstices and equinoxes of the sun in ancient times. The shadows that the stones cast would work like a sun dial as a way of telling the time. This is a very popular theory now and has quite a bit of evidence to it.

This site may have been a religious site as many have used Stonehenge to pray as they claim they have seen something supernatural at the site inspiring them to pray to this force or god. Back at its time it would have been a place of worship as so many people were at the site at one time, suggesting that many people came to pray and sacrifice to a god or otherwise.

One theory that has came about as more of an easy answer rather than a theory with strong evidence. This theory of a team building exercise came about before people had any evidence around any aspect of Stonehenge. It was more of just a random suggestion than a theory but it has grown on some people, even though more evidence against it has been found.

How did they transport the stones to Wiltshire?

The theory that the stones were pushed the whole way may have been the truth as most other theories suggest technology like rafts, but we don't know for sure whether they actually had any technology. It would have required a lot of people to push one but they may not have had any alternative.

One common theory is that the floated the stones on rafts. This was supported by the drag marks found in the dirt. This may not specifically suggest that it was rafts but does make it more likely. They would have been able to float over the rivers but would have still had to push it on land.

An extremely popular theory is that stones were transported in basket-like devices woven from wicker. They would be strong enough to hold the stone, make sure the stone won't fall out, and would float in water. This would be very effective in making sure that it cannot get out and being able to be pushed with way less surface area, meaning less friction.

They may have been rolled on ball bearings made from wood. They would have been able to access wood fairly easily and would have been able to make small bearings to roll stones on. They would need a way to float stones as the would just sink and the ball bearings wouldn't help in water.